Printing: Tally has many features. one of these features is printing. For printing, various shortcut are used to adjust the paper size in Tally.
For printing various shortcuts are used:
· ALT +P à printing
· ALT + L à print language – various languages are opened like English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi etc. select any one which you want.
· ALT + I à Preview or no preview
Previewà for seepage before printing
No preview à directly printing
· ALT + T à titlingà for change the main heading.
· ALT + G àpage number àno. of pages are present on the screen. Press f12 for setting when no. of pages is required to be written.
· ALT + R àPre-printing à
When directly go in voucher/invoice for printing then lines are also shown in printing but after pre-printing lines are not mentioned at the time of printing.
· ALT + F àprint format à for select the printer. When you are selected the dot-matrix printer then EPSON only runs.
· ALT + C à Copies
· ALT + S à select printer
· ALT + Z à For zoom in
Various types of reports which are helpful to follow these shortcuts:
v Final account
v Balance sheet
v Daybook
v Trial balance
v Report generation
v Profit and loss
v Ratio analysis
v Stock summary—F5 for more detail
v Multi account printing
How to reach?
- Display à daybook
- daybookà open entry
- open entry à ALT +F1
- ALT +F1 à ALT +P
IN trial balanceà led-wise (f5) alphabetically and ALT F1 for detail
For see all voucher: daybook (f4)
- Display à statement of account
- statement of account àstatistics
For all setting:
- display à daybook
- daybook à configuration
- configuration à printing à all setting
For print cost centre detail àF12 activate print cost centre detail
Multi account printing:
For every printing:
Display à day book à ledger
At last, for every printing go to display, press enter for open any entry like statutory info. , statutory report, daybook etc. and ALT p for printing.