Merger means when two or more company combined with each other and either make a single entity or one company lose its entity and other company continued his business. Horizontal merger - Two companies that are in direct competition and share the same product lines and markets. Vertical merger - A customer and company or a supplier and company. Think of a cone supplier merging with an ice cream maker. E.g: Bank of Karad ltd with Bank of India is an example of merge of bank.
Merge Of Bank Between the 1991-2005:
- Bank of Karad ltd with Bank of India 1993-1994
- Kashinath Seth Bank with State Bank of India 1995-1996
- Punjab Co-op. Bank ltd with Oriented Bank of Commerce 1996-1997
- Bari Doab Bank ltd with Oriented Bank of Commerce 1996-1997
- Bareilly Corp. Bank ltd. With Bank of Baroda 03-06-1999
- Sikkim Bank ltd with Union Bank of India 22-12-1999
- Times bank of India with Union Bank of India 26-02-2000
- Banaras State Bank ltd with bank of Baroda 20-07-2002
- Bank of Madura with ICICI Bank 1-Mar- 2001
- Nedungadi Bank ltd. With Punjab National Bank 01-02-2003
- Global Trust Bank ltd with Oriented Bank of Commerce 24-07-2004